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Planning Board Minutes 09/19/2013
September 19, 2013
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:              Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     Jesse Lazar (Chair)                    Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)    Martha Pinello (Member)            Steve MacDonald (Member)      Janet McEwen (Alternate)            Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)
Members Absent:         
Chris Condon (Member)   Carol Ogilvie (Consultant)                                      

7:00PM Business Meeting

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7:00PM and appointed Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Mr. Condon.

Review Antrim Wind Energy Met Tower conditional approval (Modification to the Minor Site Plan Review – Site Plan Review –March 18, 2010 – Modification –November 15, 2012)

Vice-Chair Levesque stated that it would be pre-mature to discuss the conditional approval. The Supreme Court issued the Order on Pending Motions of Antrim Wind Energy’s application for proposed wind turbines – SEC Docket # 2012-01 on September 10, 2013. [An Order Correcting the Order on Pending Motions was issued on September 16, 2013 – as the new date of the Order]. Antrim Wind Energy has 30 days to appeal the decision.

Zoning Ordinance Amendments for March Town Meeting

Article XIV (Supplemental Regulations) - delete O.1. and 8. –After a short discussion, the Board decided to eliminate 1. And 8.

Article XV (Off-Street Parking) p. – Remove reference to home occupation. After a short discussion, the Board agreed to eliminate the reference.

Article VIII B. Permitted Uses 1. Principal Permitted Uses c. – Eliminate Home Occupation and Home Based Businesses. The Board agreed.

Article VIII C. Lot, Yard and Height Requirements – Add frontage - The Board agreed that frontage criteria had been left out and should be added.

Master Plan Update – Ms. Pinello

The board discussed the Antrim Master Plan specifically and Master Plans in general. It was determined by most members that the Antrim Master Plan had very good information. Ms. Pinello felt that the current plan needed simplification for readability.
After a long discussion, the Board decided to review Chapter XIV, “Implementation”, for the October 17 Planning Board Meeting.
Knapton Circle Update  
The Road Agent had informed the Planning Department Secretary that a loader and loam had been moved into Knapton Circle. Mr. Craig had a discussion with Mr. Glover and the remediation plan would soon be implemented.

Approve August 29, 2013 minutes
Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes; Mr. Levesque seconded. After a short discussion, the minutes were approved, as amended, by all, except Mr. MacDonald and Ms. McEwen, who abstained.

CIP Update
Ms. McEwen stated that the CIP committee had met 3 times and had reviewed the Police Department’s and Highway Department’s submittals.

SR Jones LLC Update to Excavation Permit
The Boar reviewed the new information submitted by Mr. Jones. He and Mr. Nichols (abutting neighbor) had determined the location of Nichol’s artesian well. Mr. Jones was unable to indicate the location on his reclamation plan as the well is located out of the plan area. Mr. Jones marked the well on the Tax Map.
The Board determined that they would prefer the artesian well location to be marked on the locus of the plan with a notation in the “Notes” section of the Plan.


Southwest Regional Planning Commission Monthly Newsletter – FYI

Southwest Regional Planning Commission Broadband Plan – A Public Forum – September 25, 2013, Historical society of Cheshire County - 6PM

Other business:

At 8:40   pm, Mr. Levesque moved to adjourn. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board